Thursday, June 7, 2012

ivf update : day7

story for day 7...
erm...hari nie ader tvs lagi...nk tau hasil nyer..mix wit my herbatulsauda...
npak x...they growing now..
unexpated sbnar nyer..sbb kn dat day folekul just kecik2 jer..nie dh ader yg spai 18mm...
if u see from my pic..yes nie realy pic yg zue amik..
zue rse pic nie mahal sgt..nk tau nape..
klo perasan kn sblah kanan mcm ader baby yg sedang kiss or hold telor tu..
dsbabkan they grow spai 18mm...xpasal2 zue kne tendang ke Puchong fertility & woman spec.
huhuhu..utk 2nd scan n 2nd opinion dr..
so, dri hptal blik opis jap..kemas aper yg patut..serahkan mc..pastu trus zoom ke puchong..
nasib senang cari tpt nyer..sblah ioi mall je..hehehe..
dr pun terkejut ngok them grow so fast..
but dr ckp maybe ygterlalu besar tu x bagus sgt..erm..ok..i still have the small2 <18..
so..dr bg masa utk all the small grow nicely...
jpe blik dri on day 10 nnt afternoon..heheh...


  1. OOo.. buat IVF ye kak.. Ce akak tulis sekali kos.. nak tahu jugak....

    *Ida dari FB ICTRBA* heee~

    1. salam eida...cost erkk...erm...sbnar nyer zue x pasti lak cost smua baper..sbb smua cost ditggung oleh our sponser..just utk freez embryo je kami yg rse2 nyer around 7-8k gak la
